☀️ Last Gold

Good morning,
Did you know that waking up today is like winning a gold medal? Well, not just any gold medal, but a 1912 Stockholm Olympics gold medal! 🥇Confused? Allow me to explain.
You see, the 1912 Olympics were the last time gold medals were made entirely out of gold. Can you imagine biting into one of those beauties? Those athletes were literally sinking their teeth into a piece of history! Since then, gold medals have become more like gold-plated chocolate coins - still delicious, but not quite the same.
So, how is waking up today like winning a 1912 gold medal? Simple! You're opening your eyes to a brand-new day full of opportunities, just like an Olympic athlete standing on that top podium, feeling the weight of that solid gold hanging around their neck. The world was at their feet, and it's at yours too!
Today, we challenge you to go for the gold in everything you do, whether it's acing that presentation at work, finally tackling that pile of laundry, or just being the best darn dog owner at the park. You may not get a solid gold medal, but you'll surely create golden memories that will last a lifetime.
So, put on your game face, lace up those metaphorical running shoes, and take on the day like the Olympic champion you are! After all, you're worth your weight in gold (1912 gold, of course).
Keep shining bright, and have a fantastic day and week ahead!

This week

  • Events ~ Met Gala
  • Holidays ~ Early May Bank Holiday in the United Kingdom

Honoring Karl Lagerfeld at Met Gala

What is the Costume Institute’s exhibition about?

The exhibition, Karl Lagerfeld: A Line of Beauty, showcases over 150 Karl Lagerfeld designs for different luxury fashion brands he worked for during his 64-year career.

Who will the Met Gala honor?

The Met Gala will honor the late Karl Lagerfeld, who died in 2019, through its theme “In honor of Karl”. The event will have livestreams of the red carpet on both E! News and Vogue.

What is the anticipated dress code for the Met Gala?

In keeping with the exhibition’s theme, guests are encouraged to wear vintage Chanel, vintage Fendi, and vintage Chloé, rather than going for campy looks.

How have luxury vintage retailers responded to the Met Gala theme?

Luxury vintage retailers have noticed a rise in inquiries for Chanel pieces, specifically those from the 1990s when the supermodel era was at its height. Boutiques and retailers alike are showcasing their Karl Lagerfeld collection, with some even releasing Karl Lagerfeld retrospectives for purchase.

How are Karl Lagerfeld’s contributions to fashion recognized?

Despite being a prolific designer, Lagerfeld never regarded himself as an artist. His work as a designer for hire and his love of various artistic roles will be showcased in the upcoming exhibition. His legacy is reflected through his sketches, photography, and designs that have continued to be highly coveted.

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Browsers Bad for Passwords

Big Picture

There are inherent risks of relying on Google Chrome or any other browser for managing online passwords. Despite improvements in security, using a dedicated password manager is still recommended over built-in browser options. Browser-based password managers fall short of the security and features offered by dedicated password managers.

Important Details

Experts from commercial password manager companies such as Keeper, NordPass, and Bitwarden emphasize that browser password managers lack zero-knowledge encryption, leaving your data vulnerable. Additionally, browser-based password managers do not offer features like secure sharing, digital inheritance, or cross-platform compatibility. Furthermore, some browsers do not require a master password or multi-factor authentication (MFA), leaving your accounts exposed.

Why the News Matters

This information matters because securing your online passwords is essential for protecting your personal information and privacy. Browser-based password managers may be convenient, but they lack the advanced security features and encryption offered by dedicated password managers. By using a dedicated password manager, you can significantly improve the security of your online accounts and reduce the risk of identity theft or other security breaches.

More on Tech News

Headline Roundup

Enlist or face criminal charges: Russian men avoiding the military draft to fight in Ukraine are facing criminal charges and harsher sentences, including up to 10 years imprisonment for being AWOL. Since the war began in Ukraine, 1,121 people were convicted of evading mandatory military conscription, compared to an average of around 600 in other recent years before the war. The number of war refuseniks steadily increases, with more than 1,000 soldiers facing criminal cases, while others dodge or desert the draft. Many criminal cases involve soldiers who refused orders to enter battle, leading to confrontations with their commanders, and reports of harsh treatment, such as locking soldiers in containers without food or water. Although Russian law allows for conscientious objectors to perform alternative service, it is rarely granted.

Canada's Strike Stalls Immigration: Canada's largest strike by federal workers has caused thousands of people to be in immigration limbo. The strike, which approaches its third week, has caused canceled hearings and stalled applications which could make it harder for the country to compete for global talent as employers face a tight labor market. The strike has affected refugee claimants whose hearings are canceled to sponsored relatives stuck in limbo, migrant workers, and foreign students. Canada's lower birth rate makes immigration a key driver of economic growth. Canada has raised its immigration target to record-setting levels and hopes to bring in 500,000 new permanent residents a year by 2025 to help ease labor shortages in industries from construction to healthcare.

Deadly Gas Leak in Punjab: At least 11 people have died and 11 others have been taken to the hospital after a gas leak in Ludhiana, Punjab, India. The entire area is being evacuated, and a team from the National Disaster Response Force is on-site. The deaths are believed to be a result of "gas contamination," according to Ludhiana Deputy Commissioner Surabhi Malik. The incident has caused sadness in the region, and the Punjab chief minister expressed support for the families affected. India has experienced several high-profile gas leak incidents in recent years, including a 2020 leak that killed 11 people and a 1984 incident in Bhopal that killed thousands.

China's manufacturing unexpectedly shrinks

What does the official manufacturing purchasing managers’ index (PMI) show for April?

The PMI declined to 49.2, a contraction from 51.9 in March, and below the 50-point mark which separates expansion and contraction. It missed expectations of 51.4 and marked the first contraction since December.

Why did the manufacturing sector contract in April?

Factors that led to the contraction include a high-base effect from the quick manufacturing recovery in the first quarter and a lack of market demand due to weak global growth. New export orders also edged down.

What is the Politburo’s stance on restoring and expanding demand?

The Politburo, a top decision-making body of the ruling Communist Party, stressed that restoring and expanding demand is key to a durable recovery and cautioned that the current improvement is mainly restorative “with weak momentum and insufficient demand.”

What plans did the Chinese government unveil to boost trade and employment?

The cabinet unveiled plans to support auto exports, facilitate visas for overseas businesspeople, and provide subsidies to firms that hire college graduates.

What other economic indicators suggest mixed signals for the Chinese economy?

The non-manufacturing PMI edged down, retail sales growth quickened but economists are cautious about its sustainability, and the composite PMI, which includes manufacturing and non-manufacturing activity, dropped. Mixed signals may keep the pressure on the government to continue its supportive fiscal and monetary policies in Q2.

More on Economy and Business

Concerns Mount Over Congo Election

A coalition of civil society and political opposition groups in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) have voiced their concerns regarding President Felix Tshisekedi's actions leading up to the December election. They accuse him of violating the country's constitution by appointing judges unconstitutionally, handpicking partisan members of the electoral commission, and failing to reform unfair electoral laws. The commission is also failing to meet its voter registration responsibilities. The legal system is being used to quash dissent and create a climate of fear, as documented by human rights groups, and opposition leaders, critical journalists, artists, and human rights activists have been slapped with criminal charges or other arbitrary legal actions.

The coalition believes that the international community can take important steps to help the DRC move towards peace and stability. They urge international bodies to help them plan and conduct a transparent, impartial, and peaceful poll and save the voter registration process from failure. They also suggest that the UN can assist in the lead-up to and during the election with independent monitors and activate its special procedures to ensure that the electoral context is conducive to a free and fair vote. Inaction ahead of the December election is unjustifiable and dangerous as an unfair presidential poll will further undermine stability and peace in the country, fortifying a sense of hopelessness among Congolese citizens that has prevailed for a generation.

More on African News

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