☀️ Green Eyes

Good morning,
Today, let's shine a spotlight on a captivating fact that's all about the eyes, those mystical windows to the soul. Specifically, let's focus on one very rare and enchanting color: green.
Did you know that a mere 2% of the world’s population has green eyes? That's right, those sporting emerald irises are part of an exclusive club, a verdant minority in a world dominated by shades of brown and blue. It's like being a four-leaf clover in a field of three-leafers!
Green-eyed folks, you're as rare as a perfectly ripe avocado in the middle of winter, as unexpected as a pleasant tax return, as unique as...well, you get the picture. If you're one of the lucky 2%, today is a day to celebrate your unique charm!
But regardless of whether your eyes are green, blue, brown, or a color in between, remember this: we are all unique, each with our own special qualities. Today, let's celebrate not only the color of our eyes but the unique perspective they offer us. After all, it's not just about how we look at the world, but how we choose to see it.
So, here's to a day of seeing and celebrating the beauty in our differences, the magic in our uniqueness, and the wonder in the world around us!

Piers Morgan Phone Hacking

Piers Morgan is facing questions about his involvement in a phone hacking during his time as editor of The Daily Mirror, which is being raised in a legal war being waged by Prince Harry and other celebrities.

What was alleged in the trial?

It was alleged in the trial that Piers Morgan “must have known” about illegal voicemail interception at The Daily Mirror, a British tabloid newspaper that he edited for nearly a decade.

What evidence was presented at the trial?

Former Mirror political editor David Seymour told the court that Morgan played a Paul McCartney voicemail to reporters and Omid Scobie, a royal journalist, alleged that he overheard Morgan discussing obtaining information from voicemails when doing work experience at the Mirror in 2002.

What is the big picture and why does the news matter?

The trial has reignited the phone hacking debate in the UK more than a decade after Rupert Murdoch shut down the News of the World amid revelations about unlawful activity. The news matters because it brings to light the extent of phone hacking in the media industry and raises questions about the ethics of journalists and media outlets.

What is Piers Morgan’s response to the allegations?

Piers Morgan responded to the allegations by posting a screenshot from a South Park episode and later told ITV News that Prince Harry should apologize for invading the privacy of his family. Mirror Group Newspapers has denied that senior executives were aware of the unlawful activity and apologized to Prince Harry today for using a private investigator to illegally gather evidence about him at a nightclub in 2004.

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New Cyber Espionage Group: Red Stinger

What is Red Stinger?

Red Stinger is a newly discovered cyber espionage group that has been conducting operations in Ukraine since 2020.

Who are Red Stinger targeting?

Red Stinger has been targeting both pro-Ukraine and pro-Russia targets, including a member of Ukraine’s military who works on critical infrastructure and election officials running Russian referendums.

What are the methods used by Red Stinger?

Red Stinger uses phishing attacks to distribute malicious links that lead to tainted ZIP files, malicious documents, and special Windows linking files. They also deploy basic scripts to act as backdoors and loaders for malware.

What makes Red Stinger’s campaigns noteworthy?

Red Stinger’s digital campaigns are noteworthy for their persistence, aggressiveness and lack of ties to other known actors. During their campaigns, they exfiltrate screenshots and documents, and even record audio from their victims’ microphones.

Why does the news matter?

Red Stinger’s activities pose a significant threat to both Ukrainian and Russian interests, and highlight the ongoing cybersecurity battle between the two nations. The researchers hope that by releasing information about the group’s activities, other organizations can deploy detections for Red Stinger operations and search their own telemetry for additional indications of what the hackers have done in the past and who is behind the group.

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Headline Roundup

Lost Boy Survives Michigan Woods: An eight-year-old boy named Nante Niemi survived for two days after getting lost while gathering firewood in the remote woodlands of Michigan. He was camping with his family in the Porcupine Mountains state park when he got lost, prompting a 150-person search effort. The young boy ate clean snow for hydration and hid beneath a log for shelter. Michigan State Police found him under his log and stated that he was in good health. The terrain was difficult to navigate with a significant amount of standing water due to the time of the year, and several roads were impassable due to heavy snowfall. The boy has now been reunited with his family.

Turkish women remain underrepresented in politics: Despite polling showing that 62% of respondents think female politicians would help Turkey develop and become a better society. On Sunday, 60 million voters will cast their ballots in the Turkish presidential and parliamentary elections, with Ben Secerim, an NGO established two years ago to boost female participation in politics, presenting 20 women to stand for four parties in the legislative election. However, just four stand a real chance of entering the Turkish Grand National Assembly due to a low number of female candidates. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s ruling Justice and Development Party has nominated 113 female parliamentary candidates, with the main opposition Republican People’s Party having selected 156 – ratios of 18.8% and 26%, respectively.

Ukraine Rout Russian Brigade: Ukrainian forces claim to have defeated a Russian infantry brigade from Bakhmut, confirming Wagner's private army head's account that the Russian forces had fled. Although Russia has not commented on the situation and Reuters could not independently confirm on the ground, Ukraine's Third Separate Assault Brigade confirmed the report that the Russian brigade had fled. Bakhmut is the primary target of Russia's winter offensive and has been the scene of the bloodiest ground combat in Europe since World War II. Wagner has led a months-long Russian assault on the eastern city, but Ukrainian forces say the offensive is stalling. This news matters because it could have significant implications for the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and tense relations between Russia and Ukraine.

India's Working Women Struggle

What is causing the decline in female employment in India?

India's female labor force participation rate has consistently fallen since 2000, hitting a low of 21% in 2018. Patriarchal societal norms expect women to be primary caregivers at home and they spend eight times the number of hours on unpaid care work compared with men. Safety concerns and insufficient job opportunities also deter women in urban areas from joining the workforce.

What is being done to address the issue?

Some companies, such as TVS and Gabriel India Ltd, have programs to support women returning to their careers after a break. They offer flexible working hours, mentoring, training programs, and on-site accommodation. The country needs to create more non-farm opportunities in rural areas so that women can find jobs beyond agricultural work.

Why is it important to address this issue?

A 2018 McKinsey report estimated that India could add $550bn to its gross domestic product by increasing its female labor force participation by just 10%. Currently, women employees account for less than 20% of India's manufacturing sector. To gain from India's gender dividend, women must be productively employed.

What industries are seeing a change in gender balance?

The industrial belt of Hosur in Tamil Nadu has seen changes in gender balance due to the number of industries located there. Hundreds of women working at a factory in Hosur are changing the face of a previously male-dominated industry. Even companies in the area are focusing on hiring more women in their workforce. For Gabriel India Ltd, more than 20% of their factory workers are women, and their internal studies have shown that attrition rates for women are lower.

What does working mean for women like Roshni Lugun?

Working gives women such as Roshni Lugun a sense of independence and achievement, with opportunities to progress in their career. For her, the most exciting part of her job is knowing that she has contributed to the motorcycle industry.

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Cult Leader Denied Bail

Who is Paul Mackenzie and what did he do?

Paul Mackenzie is the leader of the Good News International Church who has been accused of ordering his followers to starve themselves and their children to death. He surrendered himself to the police in April after a raid on the church's base in Shakahola forest.

How many people have died and what is currently being done?

The death toll has risen to 145 from 133, and authorities are searching for remains in the forest where Mackenzie's followers were living. Hundreds of people are still missing, and authorities are trying to piece together what happened.

Why was Mackenzie denied bail?

Magistrate Yusuf Shikanda denied bail for Mackenzie and 17 other people detained in connection with the deaths because of concerns that their release would jeopardise investigations.

Will Mackenzie be required to enter a plea?

Mackenzie has not yet been required to enter a plea, but a lawyer representing him says that he is cooperating with the investigation.

Why does this news matter?

This news sheds light on the dangers of cults and the manipulative tactics that some cult leaders use to control their followers. It is important to hold these leaders accountable for their actions and ensure that justice is served for the victims and their families.

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